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The Theory and Practice of Innovation and Enntrepreneurship ›› 2021, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (10): 75-78.

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Research and Practice on the Promotion of Employment and Entrepreneurship Ability of Non-Normal College Students in Local Normal Universities

MA Haohao, GU Shuiying, YAN Xiaoxu, LI Yan   

  1. Tianshui Normal University, Tianshui Gansu, 741001, China
  • Online:2021-05-25 Published:2021-09-10

Abstract: With the increase of the number of college graduates every year, the employment situation of college students is becoming more and more serious, and the number of unemployed college students is increasing year by year. Colleges and universities have taken a series of measures to promote employment, strengthen the training of talents' employment and entrepreneurship ability in the teaching process, and achieved certain results. The employment problem of many non-normal majors in normal universities has also aroused the concern of colleges and universities. From professional training to employment, the employment pressure of non-normal students in normal colleges is greater than that of science and engineering students in comprehensive colleges. This paper investigates the employment and entrepreneurship situation of mechanical major students in Tianshui Normal University. Through the questionnaire survey on the employed and graduating students, this paper explores the causes of the employment difficulties of non-normal college students in normal universities, and puts forward countermeasures through the investigation, so as to help improve the construction of career planning and employment guidance curriculum system of college students, so as to further promote the non-normal college students the employment and entrepreneurship ability of model students is improved.

Key words: Normal university, Mechanical specialty, Career planning, Employment guidance

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