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The Theory and Practice of Innovation and Enntrepreneurship ›› 2020, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (2): 16-20.

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Research on the Quality Management and Performance Evaluation of College Innovation and Entrepreneurship Projects

WANG Dajin   

  1. Lanzhou Resources Environment Voc-Tech College, Lanzhou Gansu, 730020, China
  • Online:2020-01-25 Published:2020-05-25

Abstract: The university is the main unit of innovation and entrepreneurship education. It promotes the transformation of research results, realizes the organic integration of economic capital and academic achievements, responds to the social reality demand, and promotes the transformation and connotation development of university education mechanism in the new era. This paper based on "undergraduate innovation and entrepreneurship training program" example, summarizes the practical results, analyzes the quality of project implementation process, and provides some suggestions on the system construction, team cultivation, project guidance, assessment and evaluation of innovation and entrepreneurship for universities. This study designed KPI indicators for implementing quality management of innovation and entrepreneurship projects, to analyze the implementation quality and performance of innovation and entrepreneurship projects, and to provide some ideas for promoting education quality evaluation, scientific evaluation of research results and quality improvement of innovation and entrepreneurship education in universities.

Key words: Innovation and entrepreneurship, The KPI, Quality management, The performance evaluation

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