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The Theory and Practice of Innovation and Enntrepreneurship ›› 2021, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (13): 29-31.

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Research on the Characteristic Course Construction of Project Management Based on the Thought of "Integration of the Specialized Course and the Innovative Education"

GUO Jinjin, CHENG Daoping, XU Hong   

  1. Business School of Shandong Normal University, Jinan Shandong, 250014, China
  • Published:2021-09-09

Abstract: The combination of specialized courses teaching, innovation and entrepreneurship education in universities to create the characteristic courses of "integration of specialized course and innovative education" is an important way for colleges and universities to realize the cooperative education system of industry university research, which is of great significance to cultivate ability oriented talents. This paper deeply analyzes the construction foundation, construction objectives, construction plans and specific implementation measures of the characteristic course of project management based on the idea, aiming to provide experience and reference for the construction and teaching reform of the characteristic course of project management in colleges and universities.

Key words: "Integration of specialized courses and innovative education", "Project management", Characteristic courses

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